Modern Slavery Act

This statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps we take to understand all potential risks and ensure that there is no slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour, or human trafficking in our business or supply chains. We recognise our responsibility to identify and address potential or actual human rights infringements linked to the products and services we provide. We encourage our suppliers to uphold the same standards as we apply to ourselves.  

Fox is a market leading fishing tackle manufacturer that currently employs around 180 people serving over 20 countries across UK, EU and more recently USA with a solid sales force structure. We have a centralised procurement team along with a central EU warehouse who work closely with around 20 key suppliers worldwide with whom we have established strong relationships.

The majority of our key suppliers are based in the far east with the remainder in Europe.  Fox works to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chains.  To achieve this we provide our suppliers with our Supplier Guidelines and confirm that we require their compliance with these.  We also look to build long term relationships which helps to ensure that these standards are maintained.  In building these relationships we regularly visit our key suppliers to reinforce our requirements including our policies on Modern Slavery. 

We also request our direct suppliers to work closely with their suppliers, distributers and producers to help meet these requirements.

Our People

Our people at Fox are committed to comply with all aspects of UK and local employment laws, and particularly with those aspects of the law which protect individuals from exploitation. Important controls in this context are

  • Carrying out identity checks on new employees
  • Ensuring new workers have the right to work in the country of their employment
  • Engaging specialist employment consultants who advise and inform us on changes in legislation
  • Retaining copies of documentation as proof of identity
  • Auditing our payroll process

Our Policies

Whistle Blowing

Fox encourages its team members to report in confidence any concerns relating to any part of the organisation. This will extend to suppliers and other business partners and specifically include any risk of slavery or human trafficking.


Fox complies with the Anti Bribery Act 2010. It does not tolerate any form of bribery by or of its employees, agents or any other person acting on our behalf. Our Anti-Bribery policy forms part of our Company Handbook issued to all staff.

Employee Code of Conduct

Fox has employment policies where we make clear to our team members the actions and behaviour which are expected of them whilst at work and through the course of their duties and responsibilities. We strive to maintain the highest standards of employee conduct when managing our supply chain.


Whilst making this statement the Act has been explained to our Executive Committee. The Act has been explained to the managers responsible for our purchase streams and recruitment of our employees, who have in turn considered the risks of modern slavery in our supply chain, and the appropriate wording of this document.

Fox believes in a continuous improvement approach and we will review our ethical trading systems each year to ensure they reflect best practice and developments in this area, updating them as required.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2017.


David Algar
Fox International Group Ltd